Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How Not To Suck At Your Sales Pitch

Being a salesperson is one of the toughest jobs I've ever had; I highly admire the skill and hope to better refine it myself. I was a salesperson in college and again as a business owner. Lately I've found myself on the other side of the table and I'm just amazed at how many things I've picked up! I've given many presentations in my lifetime, and still do - but the sales pitch is one you cannot take for granted. My last few meetings have prompted this quick list of tips. A lot of these I learned in college as best practices while interviewing for jobs - which is also a sales pitch!
  • Do your homework. If you're trying to land a job or potential client, research and learn important facts and company successes; make a list of talking points. It's always impressive to have someone tell you about you - rather than taking the clueless approach or worse, confusing your interviewer's accomplishments with another company!
  • Gather your thoughts and speak clearly. No one will understand you if you speak 100 mph. It's okay to be nervous; take a deep breath, calm your thoughts and do your best to be present in the moment. If you maximize the first bullet point - this should come easy.
  • Limit your "I don't knows." Honesty is great, but use "I don't know" sparingly; I would limit myself to two- and If you follow that up with an "I'll get back to you" - actually do it!
  • Exude confidence, not cockiness. You're here for a reason! Show those suits you own your terrain, but don't over do it by presuming you're the one and only.
  • Poise and body language. This goes hand in hand with your confidence. Sit up straight and physically show you are interested in the conversation.
  • Make eye contact. Look at the individuals you are speaking to. If there is more than one person in the room, make sure you are acknowledging everyone- including the intern.
  • Always take notes. Preparedness is a sexy. Be ready. Be proactive.
  • Turn your phone off.
  • Hand write a thank you note. These always rock my socks and will impress your interviewers hella. No one does this any more! I guarantee you will stand out when its time to make a decision.
  • Don't admit to your potential clients that you are hungover from the night before, and are, therefore ill-prepared. Seriously.
  • This one is for the ladies: Even in 2013 we still seem to take a back seat in the boardroom when a man is present. I see it happen more often than not. Don't let it happen to you! Let your voice be heard and your opinion count.
Did I miss anything? Go forth and conquer!


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