I recently watched this clip on TED Talks Life Hacks with Jane McGonigal, a young game designer. It took me a good 5 minutes to warm up to her, and when I did – I just couldn't get enough of her. Her message was right on point and very powerful. It’s eerie to imagine what may go through someone’s mind on their death bed... In her talk, she brought the subject to light with a very eye opening list; the perfect opportunity for us to stop what we are doing and look at our current state in life. Are we happy with who we are /who we are becoming? What’s the point in all of this if we are not happy?
In her speech, she also makes mention that the top five regrets of the dying are also the top accomplishments of those that have experienced a life-changing/traumatic event. Is that what it takes for us to seize the day? Why wait?
Here are the top 5 regrets of the dying:
Here are the top 5 regrets of the dying:
- I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
- I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
- I wish I had let myself be happier
- I wish I had the courage to express my true self
- I wish I had lived a life true to my dreams, instead of what others expected of me
Which of these five do you associate yourself with at this very moment? What can you do to course correct the direction of your life?
'If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree.'
- You don't HAVE to work like a dog. Find something you love doing, even if its for an hour or two a day.
- Social media has made it incredibly easy for us to keep in touch with our loved ones, but how about a phone call? Or better yet - face time? REAL physical face time. How many times have you said "we should get together sometime!" ? Do it.
- Being happy means different things to different people. Don't let someone elses defenition of happiness define yours. What makes you smile? What brings you peace? What makes you forget you have any troubles at all?
- Being your true self means standing up for something that may go against the grain. Having the courage to go one direction when the masses go the other. Not being a follower. Here is another snippet from TED on what being a leader (or expressing ones true self)- looks like. Even the simplest notions count.
- There is no polite way to say this: FUCK what others "expect of you." This is such BS! Living up to someone else's expectations is a trap!! You are your OWN person. You were born to be an individual, not a replica of someones "ideal" you.
Thank you for your speech, Jane.
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