I’m going to let my husband chime in here and tell you the rest, it's pretty good stuff so pay attention:
As second generation Latinos, we are greatly indebted to our parents; sadly, many of us think that debt can be repaid with a diploma and career. This couldn’t be further from the truth and here’s why:
Can you imagine leaving everything you know, to move to a foreign country where you don’t speak the language, many times – completely alone, with a sack full of clothes, risking your life for just a glimpse of what you imagine could be a better life for your family? Many wouldn’t dare entertain the thought. Our parents came here with a vision of freedom and prosperity, and were ready to literally break their back so that their children and children’s children wouldn’t have to. When you think about the perseverance, resolve and selfless-love they have - it becomes clear - a simple diploma couldn't possibly do any justice, but it’s a start.
Changing your family tree and creating a legacy continues with you and me. The journey of freedom and a better life didn’t end with our parent’s arrival and sacrifice; we have to continue to build that empire they envisioned decades ago. This is no small task. In order to provide for previous and future generations, we need to be purposeful in gaining financial, spiritual and psychological freedom, in order to pass along fruitful resources. How can you justify living paycheck to paycheck? Are you investing in your future? How are you gifting financial freedom to those you love? Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter don’t have the answer. That old and tired song "the rich keep getting richer" is just an excuse; surely you can learn what they know about money if you really wanted to, right? It's one thing to ride the "you don't know what you don't know" wave. It's another to be lazy.
Follow the ambition of the trailblazers before you. Think of this as a never ending relay where the baton is passed on from generation to generation; we have to start taking massive risk like the generations before us. I truly feel that, if you don’t take a big chance on life, you're not only doing our Latino heroes a disservice- but more importantly you're putting your own family at a disadvantage to achieving true freedom.
We also have to keep in mind that if we don’t pass down this champion mentality, this cycle of conformity will continue. How do we expect our own children to look out for us or others if we're not doing the same? Do you think this is something they're going to learn with their heads buried in their electronics? I'm sorry to disappoint but it's not likely to happen. We learn behaviors from those we admire. (And those we influence are always watching).
Start thinking and acting with the big picture in mind, take large risk in your professional and personal life to become financially independent but more importantly, be intentional about changing the path your family is on- just like your parents did before you. For my wife and I, this currently means guiding our parents into retirement; their golden years! For most 1st generation immigrants in this country – it’s safe to say they don’t know the first thing about receiving their dues. Who’s going to teach them? That is up to you, my friend. Set them up for success. They’ve done it for you, now it’s your turn.
Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is potential power; what you do with it is up to you.
-Osbaldo Alonzo
Twitter: @ozz_ito
Ummm, how amazing is he?! And how luck am I?! Honoring generations before us can be as small and simple as: helping them use technology, guiding and connecting them with relatives on social media, using Google to search for a recipe, something they saw on Univision or whatever they want.
To share more profound knowledge, learn and teach them about investment opportunities, how to maximize their 401K, stocks, bonds... The beautiful thing is that - all of this information is good for you and your children, too!
Love your parents beyond words. It would be a pity to regret when its too late.
If you'd like to know more about investments, 401K, life insurance, etc. contact me and I can put you in touch with this savvy man right here.
To share more profound knowledge, learn and teach them about investment opportunities, how to maximize their 401K, stocks, bonds... The beautiful thing is that - all of this information is good for you and your children, too!
Love your parents beyond words. It would be a pity to regret when its too late.
If you'd like to know more about investments, 401K, life insurance, etc. contact me and I can put you in touch with this savvy man right here.
-Daisy De La Cruz de Alonzo
Twitter: @hey_dais
Twitter: @hey_dais
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Mis dos amores |
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