Monday, June 6, 2016

Saying Goodbye To My 9-5

Day 1 of being self employed. It’s quite surreal not having to work or answer to a slew of emails on this beautiful Monday morning. Weeks before today, I took time to design my schedule. I asked myself “what do I want my week to look like?” As I meditated and really looked at what that meant for me, I was able to literally design my life from scratch. No alarm, morning walks, time for yoga, toddler snuggles and activities and of course, time for passion projects. My new “work” life hardly looks like work at all. I’ve got a huge smile on my face, shoulders with no weight and an agenda I actually WANT to fulfill. 

I dreamed of this day when my son was born. A year and a half ago, I couldn't fully enjoy my maternity leave because I knew I would have to turn him over and trade my time for money. I was terrified of what would happen if I left, but also terrified of what would happen if I stayed. I remember holding my 11 week old son at 4 in the morning of the day I went back to work. I was sobbing uncontrollably and as I rocked him back and forth I made him promises from the bottom of my heart that my mind wasn't sure how to keep. You see, deep down inside, I knew that I knew I couldn’t continue working my corporate job, no matter how financially comfortable it was. But I also knew that making my own way (again) wasn't going to be a walk in the park.

I searched on blogs for other moms opinions on the subject only to find most all of them would say “it’s just the way it is, it gets easier with time” - huh? Just like that? Are we giving up that fast? I accepted that reality for a while, only to find out that no. It doesn't get easier. In fact, the voice inside that says “what are you doing here?” was only getting louder and louder. 

So- here I am! I did it! Was it easy? Heck no. Did it take a lot of planing, soul searching and figuring out? More than you know.  I've been procrastinating my freedom for a while wondering: what if it doesn't work out? What if I fail my family? What if my passion doesn't produce any money? What if, what if, what it...  There's so much in the unknown that most of us dare not take a peak. I for one had enough of wondering. I can't pinpoint one thing or another that finally made me pull the plug.  But I do know that had I not been fully supported by empowered people, reading material and my faith - I definitely wouldn't be writing this today. I would've continued to go into the office day after day, week after week, month after month... like many others I see. When does it end? When do we say enough?

If you find yourself in a similar situation, A good place I recommend to start is reading The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. This book will help you make an important distinction: your zone of excellence and zone of genius. Then, read Essentialism by Greg McKeown to identify where you can start maximizing your God given talents and say NO to a lot of good things so you can say YES to the few great things. Finally, raise the bar on your faith by reading Break Out! by Joel Osteen

The aforementioned are simple steps to get you started. Once you choose to follow your calling don't. look. back. Know that fear is normal and getting into action is key. Also, surround yourself with people that believe in you, more than you do. They'll help you dig out that potential that's been hidden for too long.

I can't fully express the joy I feel. I am so so happy. It's time to rejoice and fulfill that which has been place in my heart.

Here's to following dreams and crushing goals. 

In health and love, d. 


  1. So proud of you and in awe as well. Thank you for sharing! I wish you all of the success your heart desires ❤️ ~Raquel

    1. Raquel, thank you so much for being in my corner!!! I appreciate you!
