Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Simple Oil-Pulling-Chews Recipe

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that has resurfaced in recent times. When swished around in the mouth, the antibacterial properties of oil pull out bacteria and fungus, alleviating inflammation, congestion, and even allergies. It squelches bad breath, bleeding gums, cavities, gingivitis, plaque, and sensitive teeth, and moistens the mouth, lips, and throat. Needless to say, it is more powerful than simply brushing your teeth and flossing, combined!

Directions to mastering your oral health, compliments of IIN:

Measure out 1-2 teaspoons of oil and put it in your mouth OR see video below a step by step how-to make your own peppermint essential oil infused chewables.
  • 1| Swish and pull the oil around your mouth and between your teeth. Start with five minutes and then build your way up to 20 minutes or more. Be careful not to swallow the oil since it contains toxins and bacteria from your mouth. 
  • 2| When you’re ready to spit out the liquid, make sure you do so in the garbage. The contaminated oil can clog your pipes. 
  • 3| Rinse your mouth out with salt water or water mixed with a little apple cider vinegar to ensure that all of the oil is out of your mouth. 
  • 4| After you’ve thoroughly rinsed your mouth, brush your teeth well to kill any bacteria remnants. 
  • 5| Smile in the mirror and thank yourself for taking time to take care of you! Your self-care should be an extremely high priority. When you care for yourself deeply, you’re able to show up in the world in a big way
Don't forget to share the love with your friends & followers! 

In health and love, Daisy

Yours Truly, Integrative Health Coach at

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